Thursday, June 21, 2012

JM Tejido's  Illustration and character design: 2012
Let's Go!

After creating children's books for the past 12 years, I'm thinking of settling into one style that gives distinction to my work. It's a personal goal I'd been wanting to find in the past five years, and with multiple attempts, I'm hoping this would be the one. My criteria for this narrowing down is that the style must be dynamic enough to take various themes, ethnicities and characters (human or not). My eureka moment came as I developed  characters that had the proper balance, the comfort and adaptability, without compromising the doors for possible mischief and lovable spunk.  

At the moment, I am tasked to do a "motion" themed set of works, I made this piece reminiscent of my childhood love for running, scary forests, puddles, lamps and fireflies. After making it, I realized the characters in this scene personify my current feelings over settling into one style! It's eerie figuring that out after the many hours that went into this. Let's see how this goes along. I still have a stack of sketches to render. I've got a long way to go, but thanks for joining me in this journey.

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